Plastic buckets

In our sortiment of plastic products everyone can find the right item for their use, whether it is a packaging for painting and coating, food industry or domestic use. Our products are made by using modern technology, so the plastic buckets and lids are we offered have high-quality and meet the European standards.

Round buckets

kerek műanyag vödrök

Oval buckets

Square buckets

szögletes műanyag vödrök

During the production of the plastic buckets we meet severe requirements regarding to quality, speed and cost-efficiency. Nowadays the requirements in connection with the appearance and the decoration of the buckets are the same, and frequently it is necessary to decorate them with pictures, labels or barcodes. In order to meet these requirements our company makes the decoration of the buckets according to the clients’ unique needs.

The Domaplast Kft. applies the following printing procedures:

Because of economical reasons the IML technology is getting more widespread than other labelling procedures. This technology contains the production and the decoration procedures in one step. The basis of the process is to put the plastic-based label into the mould tool, so during the moulding process it becomes one with the product.

The advantages of the IML technology are the following: